FB Mining & Lifting Equipment (Pty) Ltd offers a variety of products to service the South African mining industry with ventilation equipment. The company is committed to the design, development and production of high performance, primary and secondary ventilation products for underground mining and tunneling. Drawing on three decades of experience and fully integrated manufacturing capabilities, we are well positioned to meet our customers’ quality, statutory and service requirements. Our products are:
Flexible PVC Ventilation Seals - the FBV800 Ventilation Seal.
Concrete Ventilation Seals - GorillaGrout Ventilation Seal.
GCCM Ventilation Seals - Concrete Canvas® (Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats).
High Strength Barricades – MonsterMesh Barricade
Clear Ventilation Brattice - UltraSpec & StandardSpec Airlock Strip Curtains (“Brattice”).
Ventilation Curtains – Poly curtains
Ventilation Doors – Steel and PVC ventilation doors.
Flexible layflat ducting.
Flexible spiral wire reinforced ducting.
Dust Suppression Systems.
FB Mining & Lifting Equipment (Pty) Ltd has well trained, experienced and qualified personnel that will not only assess your equipment requirements and assist with the supply of the correct products, but also deliver a range of services to ensure maximum efficiency in ventilation.
Ventilation system assessments.
Ventilation measurement and control reports.
Site construction crews for the installation of seals, barricades, brattices, doors and flexible ducting.
Repair programs for seals and ducting.
DMR Inspection readiness crews.
Ventilation management systems.
Qualified Ventilation officers and observers.